Pre & Post Treatment
A few general rules to follow in the time leading up to your appointment will help guarantee you receive the best treatment results and minimize the risk of any side effects.

To ensure that your laser hair removal treatment is effective it’s important to take a few additional steps after the procedure.
* Sun exposure should be kept at the bare minimum until skin tone returns to normal. You will be most sun sensitive 48-72 hours after treatment. Sunblock of at least 30 SPF must be used after treatment and during course of treatment.
* NO TANNING during treatments. Treatment areas must be protected with sunblock and or clothing.
* No tweezing, waxing, bleaching or depilatories. Hair will begin to shed around 2 weeks post treatment. You may shave, exfoliate, or use a washcloth to help shedding process 10 days after treatment.
* Wait 24hours or until all irritation has resolved to reapply deodorant, makeup, lotions etc. Redness may last 2hours to a couple days depending on area treated and your individual skin type.
* Avoid hot tubs, saunas and swimming pools for 24hours after treatment.
* You may experience some swelling, redness, itchiness after treatment. Physical irritants (like scrubbing, scratching or performing additional hair removal) need to be avoided.
* Skin should return to a normal look and feel within a few days and results will become noticeable somewhere between 5 to 20 days after treatment. This depends on how many treatments have been performed up to date.
* Follow-up treatments are necessary in order to achieve full hair removal because our hair grows in 3 different cycles and the laser needs to target all 3 growth cycles for permanent hair removal.