Covid-19 Procedures
COVID-19 Safety Plan – Clinic
Updated: February 14, 2021
Nanaimo Laser | 1050 Shelby Ann Ave | Nanaimo, BC V9R0H8 | 250.585.4000 |
Nanaimo Laser is committed to ensuring a high level of safety for our clients and technicians. With COVID-19 this is even more important and in the forefront of our daily regime. Help us keep you and our technicians safe and healthy by being compliant with the extra levels of precautions we are taking at this time. Below is our COVID-19 safety plan along with our clients’ expectations for treatment.
Important points to remember when coming in for your appointment:
- Complete the COVID-19 screening for each appointment – it will be emailed or texted to you 24 hours prior to your appointment
- Masks are required – we will provide you one if needed
- Notify us when you arrive (call 250.585.4000 or text 250.618.9937)
- Remain outside until the door is opened for your appointment
- Temperature check will be completed prior to entry
- Hand Sanitizer will be provided prior to entry
- If you begin to feel unwell prior to your appointment – please contact us to reschedule

COVID-19 Screening (emailed/texted to clients 24hours prior to appointment)
For the safety of clients and staff – all visitors & staff must first answer “NO” to the following questions before they enter the clinic facility:
- Have you travelled outside of Canada in the past 14 days?
- Have you tested positive for Covid-19 or knowingly come into contact with someone who has in the past 14 days?
- Have you been asked to self-isolate or self-monitor due to possible Covid-19 exposure?
- Are you awaiting the results of a Covid-19 test?
- Are you experiencing any of the following symptoms?
Fever (above 38º C), Chills, Cough, Difficulty Breathing, Loss of Sense of smell or taste – 1 or more of these symptoms get tested & stay home
Sore Throat, Loss of Appetite, Headache, Body Aches, Extreme fatigue or tiredness, Nausea or vomiting, Diarrhea – 1 of these symptoms: stay home until you feel better // 2 or more of these symptoms: stay home, wait 24 hours, get tested if you don’t feel better after 24 hours
- If you are a close contact of someone who has COVID-19 and have any of the symptoms listed above: Get tested and stay home.
Anyone who answers YES to any of these questions will not be permitted to enter the facility at this time. If you have an appointment booked and need to cancel or re-book or if you have any questions please contact us.
Anyone experiencing any of the above listed symptoms will require a Physician’s note to confirm the symptoms are unrelated to COVID-19, before entering the clinic. The note must be dated no later than 14 days prior to the appointment.
Masks are required
- Masks will be provided if needed
- Technicians to change mask after each client interaction/between appointments
Client Expectations and Procedures
The following is a list of expectations for clients coming in for treatment:
- Please do not come to your appointment if you are sick or have experienced cold or flu-like symptoms in the past 14 days (unless you verified your health status with a COVID-19 test), if you are required to self isolate due to travel or have been exposed to Covid-19 in the past 14 days. Please refer to our Covid-19 Screening guidelines above. Technicians will also screen clients before treatment and document the screening in the client’s chart.
- Please contact us to cancel appointments as soon as you are aware that you cannot keep your originally scheduled appointment. Cancellation fees for illness will be waived at this time. Clients will be invited to reschedule their appointment 7/14 days later in order to waive the late cancellation fee
- We are asking that clients come to their appointment alone and that anyone accompanying them wait outside the clinic. Clients requiring the assistance of an accompanying adult will need to inform us prior to their appointment
- Please arrive no more than 5 minutes before your scheduled appointment time. Please be prepared to wait outside until you are called.
- Notify us when you arrive (call 250.585.4000 or text 250.618.9937)
- Remain outside until the door is opened for your appointment
- Temperature check will be completed prior to entry
- The treatment will be cancelled immediately if client does not meet the pre-screening criteria upon physical presentation at the clinic.
- Hand Sanitizer will be provided prior to entry
- Masks are required – we will provide one if needed
- Please limit the number of items you bring with you
- Unless it is absolutely necessary, we are asking clients to limit use of our washroom facilities.
- Physical distancing measures are in place – we accommodate only 1 client at a time
- Clients should avoid touching their face with their bare hands during their appointment
- If you need to cough or sneeze at any point, please advise the technician as soon as possible and direct it into a tissue or sleeve at the elbow. Sanitization will then be required again.
- Tissue will be available throughout the clinic: in the reception area, treatment room and washroom in order that the client and technician may use tissue to address an itch and/or touch the face for any other reason.
- Post treatment, the technician will escort you out and provide you with the alcohol based hand sanitizer
- Clients are encouraged to save a credit card on their Jane app profile or pay with non-cash transactions.
- For additional information and updated guidelines on how to help mitigate the risk and spread of COVID19 visit: Health Canada
Technician & Nanaimo Laser Procedures and Policies
The following are measures that our staff are taking to keep our environment safe.
- Technician to sign a COVID-19 screening form at the start of each day
- Technician will advise client of their current results from online BC COVID-19 Symptom Self-Assessment tool.
- Clients will be asked to confirm their own current results from our online COVID-19 Screening and Consent Form
- The treatment will be cancelled immediately if client does not meet the pre-screening criteria upon physical presentation at the clinic.
- Technician will communicate with the patient to avoid touching their face and that coronavirus can be transmitted by touch if droplets are on the hand when it touches the face, it can transfer those infected droplets to the mouth, nose or eyes.
- Tissue will be available throughout the clinic: in the reception area, treatment room and washroom in order that the client and technician may use tissue to address an itch and/or touch the face for any other reason.
- Technician will thoroughly wash their hands immediately for at least 20 seconds with warm water and soap before welcoming the client for treatment
- Following treatment- technician will disinfect their hands and immediately clean any area used with the with disinfectant. This includes any equipment, treatment tables, door handles and any other items used.
- After sanitizing, technicians will then thoroughly wash their hands again for at least 20 seconds with warm water and soap.
- Technicians will have available to them gloves and masks to be used at their discretion.
- PPE/Extra barriers – Technicians will welcome clients at front door outside prior to entry for temperature check and to provide hand sanitizer and mask if needed – prior to entry into the treatment room as a secondary measure
- Appointment times are scheduled to reduce the potential of patients crossing paths as much as possible, and to allow for time between sessions for enhanced cleaning. Max Capacity 2 persons (Client + Technician)
- Technician to sanitize and complete deep cleaning and disinfection of common high traffic areas during the day as required. Including, but not limited to, door handles, front door, treatment room, washrooms, and other areas clients may frequent.
- For additional information and updated guidelines on how to help mitigate the risk and spread of COVID19 visit: Health Canada
- Clients are encouraged to save a credit card on their Jane app profile or pay with non-cash transactions.
- E-Transfer payments are accepted: [email protected]
- Use of cash is discouraged, but used only if all other options have been exhausted.
- Receipts sent via email are preferred, but printed receipts can be given at time of payment if required.